
Fight or Flight?

How do you know what to fight for and what not to fight for?

How will someone outside looking in on our problems know what is important to you and when it is not?

Sometimes friends will tell you to fight because they are you friend, without any context. Your therapist will more than likely do the same.

This is quite frustrating when you are surrounded by some people who tell you to get over it or tell you it is not worth it, even though the same problem keeps coming to you over and over again. How can you ignore someone who you see more than your own family?

Stress if real. Stress makes you sick. Stress makes you gain weight, cry randomly, lose weight, lack sleep.

How do I know when something is petty and worth being ignored?

I hate this feeling. Unless you are a fly on the wall, watching the chaos, only the person dealing with these situations really know what is going on. At times you end up keeping all inside then you just explode.