
Manifest It! Stay Positive!

The holidays seem to be harder than ever for people. Not only is COVID a threat but so is maintaining mental health. You may know someone who has been affected by the virus or have lost their job due to the economy. Not only are you dealing with divorce or seperation, you may be having to juggle taking care of sick parents, mourning the loss of family members, being apart from loved ones, stuck in the house with someone you do not like, worrying about money and/or trying to co-parent or lack thereof.

Speak positivity into existence! I know it is a stressful time. You may be lonely but there is hope even though you may not think so. Some individuals are miserable human beings and may try to steal your joy due to their own insecurities or childhood trauma. Most of the time they will NEVR change. Those who constantly seek to be right never have time to admit when they are wrong. Take care of YOURSELF and YOUR happiness. Be aware of the energy that YOU are giving out to others.

Make a list of all of the things you would like to accomplish. Speak it out loud. BELIEVE IT. OWN IT! Try not to announce your moves prematurely to individuals. Once you see yourself flourish, YOU will know how you started the ground work to success and happiness. The mistakes you have made you will learn from. Do not be afraid to seek therapy! Virtual options are available. Join support groups! Success does not always equate to money. Waking up is already a success!

Someone loves you!

42 Positive Affirmations